Lindsey Woodruff
Since discovering Ayurveda in 2010, Lindsey has been dedicated to living, practicing, and diving deeper into this ancient science of life. A life-long dancer, she found yoga while looking for a transition and developed a strong connection with the Ashtanga practice, its history, philosophy, and the effects it has on the body. A deeper study of yoga led her to its sister science Ayurveda, which lit the fire and opened her eyes to the extraordinary healing capacity of the mind and body.
She spent the last decade studying, practicing, and integrating Vedic teachings into her life and witnessing the profound healing effects with her own health. And now feels a responsibility and passion to help others do the same.
In 2020, Lindsey stepped down from an award-winning career in global marketing and brand strategy to pursue a doctorate in Ayurvedic Medicine with SAI Ayurvedic Institute. Lindsey holds a BA in International Affairs & Eastern Religions from FSU, as well as an MA in Italian Language & Linguistics from FSU, both Magna Cum Laude.
Her current focus is coaching newcomers to Ayurveda in lifestyle and nutrition, helping awaken that inner wisdom that lies within every single one of us, leading to healing and perfect health.
Lindsey offers lifestyle coaching sessions to those individuals wanting to integrate Ayurveda into their life and improve their health.